Tic Tac Tic Tac... less than 2h left!
Carlos Gonçalves
by Carlos Gonçalves


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Within less than 2 hours I will know to where will live for the next 5 years! Of course I’m talking about university life…

My first option was Computer and Telematics Engineering at University of Aveiro (UA), and the second was Computer Engineering at University of Coimbra (UC).

I really hope I have the chance to gather University of Aveiro. It has an awesome Linux group - Grupo Linux da Universidade de Aveiro (GLUA), a large campus, well know professors. Because Aveiro is a bit far from my hometown, I will have to rent a room and get used to it completely in a few days.

Nevertheless, it’s probably I gather the same university and the same course with a friend of mine so things can become easier than gather without knowing anyone.

Tic tac, tic tac!